Monday, October 27, 2008

Morning Prayer

Every morning right after we say the pledge of allegience we have prayer time. I ask the students if they have any prayer requests. After all the prayer requests are in I ask the class if anyone would like to pray. I allow anyone to pray if they want to and we usually go around in a circle and I always close the prayer out. Praying with 2nd graders is the funniest thing. Here are samples from our morning prayers...

"Dear Lord, please please please help my mom say yes when I ask her if we can go to China!"

"Dear Lord, please help my big Poofball to stop scratching me and for the kittens to stop chasing me."

"Lord, I pray for the eagles so they won't be extinct."

"I pray that my dad will get off work on time on Thanksgiving so I don't have to eat at MIDNIGHT because I was so STARVING last year." (Yes, the capital letters do denote screaming at the top of her lungs).

There are a lot more funny ones that I just can't remember right now but I'm sure I'll post more in the future.

1 comment:

Bonnie Kim said...

That's so cute! Do you try not to laugh?