Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Birthday

My birthday was 2 days ago. I love my birthday. No matter how old I get I can't help but feel "special" on this day. I know I'm a nerd but it's true, I just love when it's my birthday. I really try to squeeze all that I can out of it too. Kyle laughs at me because on the 23rd (my bday's on the 24th) we were deciding which show to watch and I explained to him that because it was my birthday eve I definitely got to choose. Eventually birthday eve goes on to be "well, it's my birthday month, therefore..."

Anyways, I had a good day at school with my students. They all made me cards which were very sweet. I brought treats for the students and I even let them watch The Lion King. Yes, my kids get spoiled when it is my birthday. Kyle delivered flowers to me at work which was very surprising and sweet and we went out to Abby's, our favorite pizza place, with my parents and Kyle's parents. This is one of the many reasons that I enjoy living in the same town as our parents! Thanks mom and dad.

Overall it was a very fun birthday. It was extra cool because I turned 24 on the 24th. Now I have to wait 6 months until my half birthday. Until then...

1 comment:

Steve & Sarabeth said...

Oh, Abby's. I miss that place. It's about time you joined the blog bandwagon!