Monday, December 15, 2008

Almost there...

So this is it, the last week before Christmas vacation! It will be so refreshing to have a few weeks to relax and sleep in. I have been so busy with school, basketball, and parent meetings that I rarely have time to do anything that is just for me.

This is what this week looks like for me (besides the obvious, school 8-4)
Monday: Basketball practice 5:30 - 7:00. Christmas program 7:00-???
Tuesday: Leave school early at 1:40, basketball in Bonanza at 3:30, bus doesn't leave until the boys varsity game around 9:30.
Wednesday: Practice 4:00-5:30, school parent meeting 7:00-8:00
Thursday: Basketball game at 4:30
Friday: leave at noon for Gilchrist, game at 3:30, boys at 6:30, return home
Saturday: return to Gilchrist, come back home.

Despite how busy it is making me, I really am loving coaching baskeball. My JV team lost 12-41 to Chiloquin in our opener. (At half time we only had 4 points and my motivational speech was "Let's try to get our score into the teens." We came close.) Hopefully we'll do better tomorrow! Our varsity hasn't won anything yet either :(

After the semester break, which is the end of January, I will take over as the 1st grade teacher because our current 1st grade teacher is going on maturnity leave. I will have my 2nd graders about half of the day and the rest of the time they will be with the 3-4th graders. It will be a big adjustment for all of us. It is tough but the economy is how it is and we couldn't afford to find a long term sub so I was the lucky winner of that one who gets to teach the first graders. At least I already know all of them because I have them for P.E. My student load goes from 9 to 18, plus I will have the 9 2nd graders for part time, so sometimes up to 27. It shall be interesting.

I'm looking forward to the holidays and desperately wish I could see all of you.